Are we Losing Out on Sacred Time?
One of the most valuable decisions in life is the ability to keep moving and create a balance.
Time never waits for anyone. Time pays no attention to your social or economic status. Time keeps moving, and you have to catch-up!.
Every new year, we come up with New Year resolutions, or call them ‘fantasies’. Fantasies, because, half way into the year, they become distant stars though not for the disciplined ones amongst us.
Many of are LOST (Losing Out on Sacred Time). We watch time go by without intentionally putting to good use the seconds, minutes , hours, days and years.
Many of us plan using diaries, calendars, note pads, to-do-lists, with coloured pens and highlighters, but still don’t succeed with using our time productively. Well, here are a few key points on how to master the art of time management:
Eating the Frog
To put it simply, eating the frog is the process of identifying your most difficult task of the day and completing it before you do any other work. If you have to eat two frogs, eat the bigger one first. Identify which task is more challenging, and do that first thing.
Brain Reset
I do my best to get a power nap during the day, usually about 10 - 15 minutes. It helps my brain to relax and reboot.
Challenge the Brain
I have made it a habit to play games such as Scrabble and Chess in the morning. They help me to shape my decision making techniques, stay creative at my work and challenge my brain to become a better version of itself.
Sugar Danger!
I do my best to avoid carbonated drinks. When I take time, I realise focusing on a task becomes daunting. All I want to do is walk around!
When I find it difficult to focus on a task, I listen to music such as Jazz and Classical. It has a way of helping me refocus. They have increased my level of productivity over the years.
It is satisfying going through your todo list and realising that you have completed 80% of the tasks you set out to do.